A little About Us.
We have been buyers, pickers, and collectors. With a long time, presence selling retail Antiques and Vintage. Our brick-and-mortar antique shop experience has been long term floor space rental, around Las Vegas in various shops or Antique Malls. We have also sold on eBay. Set up booths and sold at events.
We are often traveling Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and California. Hitting the large outdoor flea markets and swap meets. We gather up way too many things that are truly out of the ordinary. Some are sold. Some are re-purposed into art or unique items for sale.
With our long history, we have accumulated a large following of private clients and friends in the business.
Once or twice a year we have a very unique garage sale that many faithful repeat customers can hardly wait for those weekends. Along with free coffee and pastries, its also a social get together. Especially for those loving Antiques, Vintage, and just plain good deals on items for sale. Don’t miss out. Get on our email list!
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We also have an active Ebay Store.

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